
T's new toy

T went for her first time to IKEA, and can I just say she loved it. Or maybe that was me? Or both of us.... anyway, I've been there multiple times but never really looked much in the children's department. This time, we spent quite a bit of time there. I found this fun little blanket/pad. It was only $20! It's thick and padded so its comfortable to lay or sit on, and it has all these fun little attachments on it. A mirror, squeaky toys, and little bugs. She especially loves the mirror (if you can't tell)




What a GREAT idea! I may just copy you on that!!


I love the picture of her looking at herself in the mirror! She's learning young what it is to be a girl! ;) haha she's seriously so cute!

The Egan Family

We bought one just like that and Evie LOVES it! Such a good idea. Your lil' girl is getting so big!