
As of late....

I'm alive. I promise. Just a little behind on a few things. My poor neglected blog. For the past 3 months I have been soooo tired. All I want to do when I get home from work is rest. And so, I DO! It's been kind of nice, because with Braden's new schedule I don't feel bad about sleeping so much, because he doesn't get home til late! It's beautiful! Besides the fact that I miss him terribly. Anyway, I haven't been sick AT ALL! I know, how lucky am I? I feel great, just tired. My energy level is starting to increase however, and I have got LOTS on my to-do list. So don't give up on me yet....



You are a lucky duck to not be sick!!! It has to make pregnancy so much more enjoyable. Hopefully you stay that way the rest of your pregnancy and any in the future!!

Ashley and Ryan

Hey girly found your blog from shannons!!! Yay!!! So i am glad to hear you are not feeling sick!! I cant wait to find out what your are having!! We need to all get together again that was so much fun playing games the other night. My blog is private so e mail me your email address and ill send ya an invite. My email is roxych2558@hotmail.com. Hope the pregnancy continues to treat you nicely.. ps love your blog! So cute!

Shan @ Design Gal

love the new blog layout!