
Coming soon to a family near you!!

September 2010!!


The Felsted's

How exciting! I am so happy for you Rye!!


Yay!! Congrats girl! Im soo excited for you! How are you feeling?


Congrats!! Seems like everyone is prego these days. Good luck with the pregnancy you will be a great mom!


HOW CUTE! Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! You have a wonderful road to travel. Enjoy it :)

The Risenmays

I had a feeling you were since there was no title to your post. Congratulations! That is so exciting! Hope you are feeling well :)

Jason & Shannon

OOOH! Congratulations!!!!

M. Jorgensen

oh my heck!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!! that is soooo exciting! how far along are you then??? ahah congrats!!!!


Thanks guys! We are so very excited! Been trying a while to get this little bugger here! We find out hopefully in a few weeks what it is! I'm feeling GREAT!! No Nassau, morning sickness or ANYTHING! I forget I'm pregnant at times! Due date is September 24th!!

The McEwen's

Oooh, we might be having twin babies! Congrats to you, it'll be fun checking in and comparing progress with you since we're due just about the same time!


Congratulations! That's so exciting and September is a great month for birthdays. :)

The Egan Family

Yay!! We are going to have babies around the sametime! I'm so excited for you guys, CONGRATS :)

Jeff and Mallory

Congrats! They are so fun!


Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys :) End of September is when both of my babies were due... so that puts you about 3 months along??

You're so lucky to feel so good while you're pregnant... maybe that means you're having a boy!

Kelsey M.

sept is probably the best month for birthdays. congrats! that is so exciting. cant wait till we can have kiddos.


I'm so happy for you guys!!!


I'm back into blogging again and I'm glad I remembered your blog. Yay, I'm so excited for you!! I hope you've been feeling well, pregnancy can really take a toll on the everyday life. You are going to be such a fun mom, I can't wait to see the fun projects you do with your kids.

Cody and Sarah Branin

Are you seriously prego. That's so awesome!!!


AHHH! I'm so exited for you guys! congrats!!


YAY! COngrats!


Yea!! You are right behind us!! Hope you are feeling good :)

Elisa and Jake



Oh how EXCITING!! Congrats! You are going to be the cutest Mommy!!!

Amy Springen

Hey rye. its em. im so excited!!!