
Your daily humor...

No I didn't help my puppy do this. I was in the computer room yesterday and I hear my husband yelp out "Rye, hurry come here" (followed by a hysterical laugh). As my puppy was wandering around my bedroom he SOMEHOW managed to walk right through my bra hanging on the edge of my bed. He kept trying to walk forward but he was caught. How freaking funny is that? Poor puppy!! But it made my day!!


M. Jorgensen

this is really funny! so even better that he some how at of all that room, managed to walk right into the armpit of the bra! so great!

Kelsey M.

hahaha thats really funny. cute puppy :)

Shan @ Design Gal

why was your bra hanging on the edge of the bed? bow chica oww owwww! ;)