
Stay Tuned....

I'm completely REVAMPING my blog. Lets face it my title? Ryanne and Braden. Yeah he doesn't even know HOW to log into here. He could probably care less too. ha ha. So, as I have made the goal this year to become more crafty, I have lots of projects lined up, along with lots of new recipes to try in order to continue enhancing my cookbook. And what better way to show my progress than to share it all with YOU! Whoever reads this. Anyway. So it may be a slow process so hang in there and find out what's in store!!!



I know I haven't seen or talked to you since we were little kids... but I absolutely love reading your blog!! Especially these new things you're working on. I'm looking forward to them, especially because I'm partly doing the same thing with my life!

The Felsted's

Rye! You are so creative! It's inspiring! Love the look of your new blog!


I better be invited to craft night!