
December cook group

Well I've finally found some time to make a post about my fun little par-tay this past week! As you know, I host a cook group once a month. This month was our 3rd get together, and probably the funnest thus far. With it being the Holidays and all, we added a fun little white elephant gift exchange on! We had a good turn out, even with about 5 members missing. If you didn't make it, you missed out! I have had so much fun hosting these. I love cooking, and its so fun to be able to get so many new recipes a month. And of course the building of new friendships and fun relaxing ladies nights!! Anyway, here are a few photos of the night itself....

Sample Table

Tiffanie and her present she wasn't willing to give up

"Oh the anticipation is killing me"

All the ladies (minus a few)



Dang, I'm so bummed I missed out! I had a sick baby and no hubby at home :(

I want to come next time for SURE


Oh that looks like so much fun :)