
Back in the day....

Remember when being a kid use to be this fun? Look at the expression on my nephews face. I miss those days.
Remember when everyday was a play day and the ONLY responsibility you had was to make sure you made your bed and brushed your teeth? Oh wouldn't it be nice....

And then one day... you grow up.
You have a full time job.
You wake up, go to work, get home from work,make dinner, go to bed, and do it all over again.
Things become sooooo routine.
You have bills, LOTS of bills.
You physically despise the 25th of the month because you have to make that awful $1,000 check for your mortgage, that you KNOW you could spend on more fun things. (like clothes).
You have to start paying off student loans. YUCK!
You actually enjoy cleaning your house?
You watch the 10:00 news before going to bed.
Waking up at 5 am during the week, ruins your Saturday and Sunday sleep schedule.
You host your own cook group once a month.
You go to Wal mart way too often.

This is when you know, your not a kid anymore! Wouldn't it be nice for a change though?


M. Jorgensen

i like cleaning my house....most of the time. and i hate paying bills as well! being an adult is stressful!