
Washington Trip

A week off work? What could be better? A trip to Washington to visit family.... THAT is better! I have one sister who we don't get to see her and her fam very often. This past week, Braden and I, along with my parents and other sister and her fam traveled back to my home state for my nieces baptism! Besides the long drive to and from, we had a great time. Lots of shopping, games, and fun activities. (And the baptism of course). It was great to be able to visit with them we all had a fun time!!

After 21 years of driving to and from Wa. to Ut. we finally got a picture of 'my valley'. They named it after me!!
My little Ella and me
Bowling baby!!!
Braden and my bro-in-law John
Getting ready for the baptism
Emrey on her special day