
Weekend Re-Cap

You know how you look forward to the weekend all week long? And then before you know it, it's Sunday and your weekend is over? I hate that. It's been a pretty good weekend though. Earlier last week my sister invited me to a scrapbook night with some girls in her neighborhood on Friday. I got a start on some homemade cards to add to my collection. Pretty excited about that. Saturday I tended my niece and nephew in the morning so my sister and husband could go to the temple. My mom and I afterward went out to lunch with my mother-in-law, and husbands grandma. Later on Saturday, Braden and I went and saw Marley and Me. Such a cute movie. Pretty funny too! I recommend it if you haven't seen it. I've never had a pet before (fish don't count) and I even got a little emotional. My husband could relate better, he's had dogs his whole life. But anyway...it was a really good flick!! So this morning we woke up to freakin snow! I was gettin use to the rain. I can deal with that. But I hate the snow! We went to my cousins homecoming and now I'm here. Watching my husband play Wii, and waiting for dinner in the oven! Before I know it, the night will be over and I'll be waking to the sound of my alarm clock. Lovely. I need a vacation.


The Egan Family

I loved Marely and Me! My husband actually went and got a dog right sfter to be funny! My hubby has had dogs through his whole life and me.. here and there but not really! I agree with you.. A vacation is needed, I'm sick of the snow and the cold!