
Call me "Betty"

Crocker. Betty Crocker. Yes...I feel I'm going to have to give that lady a little competition. Thanks to my awesome sister who shared a website with me, I have come to find myself beyond MOTIVATED to cook and bake! My husband of course is loving this idea, or at least his stomach is. So some lady with a lot of time on her hands, created a blog strictly for recipies. The link is
http://becomingbetty.blogspot.com. She has posted tons of different recipes with pictures of the outcome. I sat down with my husband last week and said "OK honey, pick out anything you want me to make you!" (Thank goodness for the pictures. Men are visual learners, at least Braden is) So I was given a list of 'look goods' and compiled a grocery list that was waaaaay to long and waaaaay too expensive! BUT...the results have been worth it. I've been quite busy lately with making different dishes, casseroles, meats, and most importantly desserts!

Baked Penne Pasta

Amazing Apricot Chicken
Toffee Sugar Cookies

The results have been fantastic! And it gets even better....I actually LIKE doing this! Lucky for me I haven't got sick of cooking yet. *knock on wood* Which many people tell me "Oh just you wait." But for now, this has become a hobby of mine! I'm working on making a scrapbook cookbook. It will be a compilation of my favorite recipes and will also be all cute scrapbooked in these darling 9x9 albums I bought. They even match my kitchen. It's perfect!



gosh ry your making me look bad. i never cook and here you are even scrap booking your cookbooks! your crazy. but i am going to that blog. i need it since you never emailed me your recipe's!


You must have one amazing sister!!! Come cook for me now!

Amy Springen

I tried the tamale pie. It was success! I am going to try the teriyaki chicken soon! Thanks for passing that link on!


Thanks for sharing this blog! I love the recipes!!! They are so yummy!