
Christmas Wrap Up

Christmas this year was great! It was our first official Christmas together being married. We were pretty busy between both of our families. Unfortunately we didn't get to do what we planned on for Christmas. Originally we were going to go up to a cabin we rented in McCall, Idaho. I have a sister who her family lives in Washington, so Idaho is half way. But due to bad weather conditions and an engine of my sisters blowing up. Our family decided to hang close to home. So instead we did the traditional Christmas with splitting up time between both Braden's family and mine. Christmas Eve we had homemade Chinese food at his parents house. Its tradition. After we went and saw the movie Yes Man. So hilarious. I recommend it! We did our Christmas together just the two of us, then headed over to his families house to do presents with them, followed by a delicous Christmas breakfast at his Grandparents! Later on in the evening my family did a great big dinner, games, and a movie! Lots of great food, laughs, and memories. It was a blast!

Braden got just about all he wanted for Christmas. New coat, jeans, games, movies....and Braden got me all my scrapbook organizing totes I was wanting. It was a wonderful holiday season!


Jason & Shannon

That tote looks awesome!!!!! My cousins rent out their cabin up in McCall, Idaho. It's beautiful up there!