
Recent Purchase

Yay! We finally got a new car! Braden and I have been looking at cars for the past few months. We just got a new (new to us) 4 runner! It's awesome! We debated between a truck and this. Braden really wanted a truck because it would be more convenient for him when he goes hunting, but he wanted a nice Tundra and it was a little more than what price range we were looking at. I on the other hand have wanted a 4 runner for years! I Love them! Last week I found this one and 5 days later we bought it! Great deal. Nice car. Perfect Condition. Leather seats, Limited Edition, power everything, 4WD, sunroof, heated seats. And did I mention GREAT PRICE! We're so excited!



wahoo i love it! be glad you didn't get the tundra. my brother has one and it gets the WORST gas milage ever. its so pathetic. plus this is much cuter. haha
about the recipies...we like EVERYTHING except sea food. ha

Jason & Shannon

4WD is a fantastic thing to have during the winter! Congratulations!


nice, where did you find it at?