
7 Random Things

So my sister Lisa tagged me to tell 7 random things about me. She keeps checking my blog to see if I have done it, so this should make her pretty happy!!

1. I am not a morning person. Which is funny because I get up at 5:15 every morning for work. I have to be to the hospital at 6:30. But I absolutely hate getting up early. I dread the sound of my alarm, and I hate getting out of my bed. I routinely find myself saying 'Get up Ryanne'. I look forward to weekends. I love sleeping in til 7:00! :)

2. I think I have a mild case of OCD. When I start cleaning, I sometimes cant stop. I tend to be germaphobic. (Must come from working in the Operating Room) But at times, I swear I could clean for hours. It's like I start sweeping, notice dust on the base boards have to mop, wash down the base boards. I guess this does sound a little crazy. ha ha. Okay i'm a clean person what can I say?

3. So I have a floating rib that pops when you push on my rib cage. And when I say 'pops' I literally mean it pops, like with a popping sound. Weird I know. I'm special.

4. I love blood and guts. It's obvious by my job description. For instance...when I go fishing with my husband, I let him catch em, and I clean em out. Last year, he cut himself skinning his deer. I had no other choice but to finish it for him. :) The human body is so amazing and I love my job. Surgery is so amazing and I love being able to do what I do.

5. I love scrapbooking. I have done it for years, and I'm a scrap-a-holic. I've been working on homemade cards this past year. This next year i'm gonna work on getting into craft botiques and selling them there!

6. I'm extremely ticklish. My husband always tickles me and it drives me crazy. My legs, my arms, my stomach...pretty much anywhere. He gets a kick out of it, and even though i'm laughing, its not very funny.

7. I love photography. I bought a nice camera not too long ago. I've done some family pictures of my sisters, and her child photo shoots. I really want to go somewhere with it. I love looking at other photographers work, and seeing how I can improve mine.

There's a few random things you may not have known about me. Your welcome Lisa!!



Thanks Ry-better late than never-just kidding. I loved your 7 things and i didn't even know all of them and i AM your sis and all so see it's fun to do, right? Thanks again. Lisa.


ha yea i really do. i cook the same things every night!! my email address in emcamille@gmail.com