
To my sweet baby Tayvree

1 year.
12 months.
365 days.
8765 hours.
525,948 minutes.

The amount of time you have been in my life thus far. And for each of these minutes...I'm eternally grateful for.

From that very moment when the nurse handed you to me, and you laid there crying on my chest. Your loud scream turning into a soft whimper and soon settling into a quiet purr. We connected, you and I. And an overwhelming feeling enveloped me. At that moment we formed a bond, a bond that would last forever.

I was so excited when we found out you were a girl. I would have loved you either way, but let me tell you... we've had lots of fun this past year playing dress up! The bows, the curls, the pinks, and the fancies. You truly are your mothers daughter.

You have been such a wonderful baby. You know, you really set the bar high. I expect all of your siblings to be as easy as you. From the minute we brought you home, you've been so content, easily entertained, so very healthy, and lets not forget the sleeping the whole night through since you were 2 months old.

Now, here you are. 12 months old. You went from a baby to an almost toddler right before my eyes. Your walking everywhere, you jibber jabber like you think we understand. You clearly know and comprehend so many things. You're momma's little smarty pants. You even know sign language for 'please', 'more', and 'thank you', and use them on a regular basis. You love puppies, especially your Remi. You bark, meow, and love to tell mommy and daddy what horsies and fish say. Ba ba (bottle), Momma, Dadda, and bum are among your vocabulary. You understand completely and point to eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair, belly, and toes. You absolutely LOVE shopping. (Definitely a mom inherited trait). You like to sit in the shopping cart or your stroller and wave and blow kisses to every stranger that walks by. By the way, I hope that changes by the time you turn 16. It's only ok and innocent when your one.

You surprise me each and every day with new things you learn. And you seem to think you are just the coolest thing when you discover something new. And thats ok, because I think your pretty cool too! I hope you know I pray for you each and everyday, and when I'm away from you, your on my mind constantly. I just can't seem to grasp the concept of the rate your growing up. So many people have warned me to just enjoy every minute of it, because time will go by so fast. I'm realizing what it is they're talking about, and I AM CHERISHING every moment of it, I really am.

You absolutely love your daddy. You like to wrestle and have tickle wars with him. You love it when he chases you down the hallway and around the house. In fact, sometimes you try running too fast and your tiny feet get a head of you and you fall to the ground, but you never cry. You just laugh and continue trying to escape from him. But.... when it comes to settling down, you want your mommy. You love cuddling with me, and just being in my arms and giving me endless kisses. And if I could, in that moment freeze the world around us and just stare into those big blue eyes and give you kisses and loves, I would!

I've learned a lot this past year. And Tayvree, I'm trying oh so hard to be the very best mother I can be for you. You deserve the best! And I pray that I can do all the right things. I hope you can learn from me. I hope you can look to me as an example. And down the road when your all grown up, I hope you can always come to me with any problem. School, friends, boys (because we know boys are JUST that, a problem). Growing up isn't easy. I know, I've been there, but I hope we continue to have as strong of a relationship as we do now. Tay-I will ALWAYS be here for you. And even when I'm physically not. I'll always be watching over you. My mind doesn't even want to begin to think about there coming a day when I can't be with you. But when it does, I will ALWAYS, ALWAYS be watching over you. And thats my promise.

As you grow up, remember a few things for me: Be happy. Cherish your family and friends. Believe in yourself and know that anything is possible. Challenge yourself. Don't sweat the small things. Forgive and forget. Don't worry about what others think about you. Work hard. Be yourself. Be confident. Dance to your own song. Always tell those you care about most that you love them. Always be true to yourself. Dream, dream BIG. Avoid Contention. Think positive. Laugh lots. Remember the things you were taught. Always do your best. Resist temptation. Respect yourself, and others. Speak kindly. Tell the truth. Listen. Live simply. Give more. Expect Less. Be of service. Say your prayers. Choose the right. Read your scriptures. Attend the temple regularly. Find someone who brings out the best in you, and somewhere down the road, marry in the temple for time and all eternity. Remember you are a child of God, and He loves you. AND MOST IMPORTANT. Please.... ALWAYS tell your mother you love her. She needs to hear it.

Happy 1st Birthday little one,
I love you Tayvree.




Ry I loved reading this post to sweet Tav! She is such a sweetheart. What a wonderful, beautiful letter to her. She will love reading that during the hard times in life, and easy! Being a mother to a daughter...nothing can compare in this world. I felt so happy when I finished reading this. Your such an amazing mother!
And Happy Birthday to you cute Tavery!


oh what a good mom you are! seriously! You are the best to her! She is so lucky and I cannot believe she is already one! How amazing! Happy Birthday cute girl

Angie Barness

You are a great mom Rye! And Happy 1 year to little T! This letter makes me excited to be a mommy some day. It also makes me realize all the things my mom must have been thinking when I was that age, and what a great reminder it is to tell my mom thank you for loving me and to remember to tell her I love her every chance I get. Moms are an amazing thing aren't they? :)

Shan @ Design Gal

So so sweet! You did a great job with the party (I saw the pictures on Facebook) and I'm sorry we couldn't be there! Love you guys!