
Bathroom Revamp

As many of you know, I can't stand one color scheme for too long. Call it a problem, call it an obsession, call it what you want. So here is the 3rd bathroom revamp for this particular bathroom in our house we've been in for only two years. Go ahead, call me crazy! I love the way it turned out though!

Found these awesome milk glass vases at D.I. $2.00 total! And the tin canister on the right, was a grey (also $1 at D.I) Add a little spray paint, and look! It matches!

Mr. Walker and his handyman skills installed a new sink fixture

Love this rod iron tree! Thank you Hobby Lobby

Repainted the walls-grey (even though they look blue in this lighting)

My come in handy everyday use jars, that are SO easy to interchange with different color schemes
So very happy with how it turned out.... until next year when I decide I need another change!