Dear 9 month old Baby T,
- You sleep awesome now! (Disregard that whiney post last week) Like the flick of a light switch you went from being up all night, to sleeping sound the whole night through.
- You love laying on your tummy. Whever I come to check on you, your fast asleep on your stomach, with your hands both under your head. Precious.
- You love being outside. Daddy takes you on walks daily since he has the summer off. You also go jogging with mom, and you LOVE going fast in the stroller.
- You're favorite songs are 'Twinkle Twinkle', 'I am a Child of God', and 'Rock-a-bye'.
- You're obsessed with marshmellows. Just can't get enough.
- If we give you your whole toy basket and sit you on your bedroom floor, your very content for an extremely long time. (Sometimes when mom has something she REALLY needs to get done, she uses this to her benefit.)
- When mommy has been at work for a long time, and she walks in the door, you often cry because your so excited to see me. Thats the only time we like to see you cry. It's cute.
- You say "Dadda" so well, and really know what it means". It kills mom you learned that one first.
- You wave at just about anything and everything.
- When somebody says "clap-a-hands" you do just that.
- You like to give high fives
- You make funny sniffling sounds with your nose and giggle about it, then wait for momma or dadda to do it in return. Silly goose.
I could go on forever, your such a perfect little angel, and Mommy and Daddy love you SO much. Always remember that. You've been such a blessing in our lives, I don't know what we would do without you. Mommy's heart breaks whenever I'm away from you. As you get older and become more independent, just remember you're never to big to give me LOTS and LOTS of loves, and you're still my blonde hair, blue eyed baby. MUAH!!
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