
Uh- a little help please?

Motivation: The activation or energization of goal oriented behavior. The driving force which help, causes us to achieve goals.

Got any? If so, puh-leeeeze send it this-a-way! I so need to get back in the habit of working out. I did so good about 3 months post partum. I was working out every day, feeling great, and then maternity leave ended and WHAM!! I find myself making excuses day in and day out of why I shouldn't. It's just that when I get home from work thats the LAST ting I want to do. I'd rather be with my sweet baby T! Plus I have dinner to make, and whatever housework is left to be done. So... I've still got a few more unwanted LBS to shed, but unfortunate for me, they just wanna hang around and not let go. Don't worry, the feelings are NOT mutual. With Spring/Summer right around the corner, I'm hoping the warmer weather helps me get going, because as of now, my "Get up and go", has apparently got up and went. What the crap??

Any advice or personal motivation you have? I'm keeping an eye out for a jogging stroller, so if you know of any good deals, lemme know! I'd even be willing to get a gently (and I mean oh so gently) used one!



The Risenmays

I totally know what you mean about motivation. It's so hard with kids, a husband, and a house to manage not to mention a job too. I am selling my jogging stroller if you are interested. It's used but in really great shape. Let me know!


Best motivator is signing up for a race to make you get out there. Hope you can find it. I have no problem with the motivation of exercise I just have a problem with enjoying food to much. Good thing I workout.


I know the lb shedding problem oh so well. I gained about 60-70 lbs with my first pregnancy and I'm STILL about 15 lbs heavier than I started.

If you read my blog, take a look at the latest one where I talk about losing weight.

I know it sounds silly, but our XBox Kinect is amazing! If you really play the games, you get a great work out. You can also do things like lunges, crunches, pushups, or even used canned goods or your baby as "weights" to do exercises at home. In front of the TV is always a good way so you have something to watch. Last but not least, walking is always great. I read in one of my parenting magazines (or maybe my Ladies Home) that walking or jogging, as long as you go the same distance, you will burn the same amount of calories!


Honestly just relax, stress is the worst for losing weight. I think we are too hard on ourselves. There are just times in our lives when there just isn't time for everything and when your having little ones it just happens. I think you would do the best for yourself to just eat well, no strict diets because I think they always fail just eat well. You'll be surprised once summer comes and your able to get out and go for walks the weight will just fall off. If you gained a ridiculous amount while pregnant which I know you didn't I would probably say differently but with the hours you work and having a husband in school, life is busy!