
False Advertising

Warning: This is a venting session, and includes harsh feelings. If you get bored, my apology. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Dear Smiths Grocery Store,

I use to think you were the BOMB!
But now I know I'm definitely wrong.

You use to have the best sales,
but to all my friends I now will tell.

About how ya tricked me and got me in the door,
from now on I'll shop there no more!

A not so happy EX customer

I'm irritated, really irritated. Belligerent would be a wise word choice! I would normally consider myself a loyal customer to Smiths. I thought they had great deals and sales, so I wold go out of my way to make it there when these events were going on. So today I head over there simply for bottled water and gatorade (Braden's softball is starting up, so i wanted to stock up) Well their ad says their gatorade is .39 and their bottled water is $2.79 (both great deals, right?) IF YOU PURCHASE 10 of the mix and match items. (which they both were) So i did my math like usual, had it all written out and was excited about the expected outcome. PLUS on top of the deals, if you purchased 10 items, you get an "additional $5 off at the register". BULL CRAP! The gatorade rang up .89 and the H2O was $3.29. Yeah... WHAT? My total was way more than expected, and when I questioned them, their excuse was: "oh the $5 is like a rebate and so it's like paying .39, but it rings up for .89 and you just get the five bucks off at the end of your transaction."

OH okay, so let me get this straight. isn't that called false advertising? Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is. I usually NEVER look too much at my receipt. So I wonder how many other times they've fooled me. Tricky Tricky. Oh and by the way... YOU SUCK!

Hello Maceys, my 'neighborhood grocer' You now have a new customer!!


Gutierrez Family

thats so weird! i have NEVER shopped at smiths becasue i thought they were really expensive but this amazing deal is going on so i went and bought 40 things of gaterade and a couple cases of water and i got them all on sale.. i didn't hear about the $5 but i only paid 39 cents for the gaterade.. i wonder why yours didn't work.. thats super annoying!!!


That funny cause I have bought alot of their powerade and it rang up as .39 interesting.

Jeff and Mallory

Weird! I went there a few times this week and got over a hundred boxes of pasta and a ton of powerade and smart water for like nothing. The $5 would come off at the bottom of the reciept for every 10 participating items that I bought.


yeah so annoying. Maybe it was the person helping me that didn't know how to ring it up. What ev! Totally ruined it for me though!


If you have a Winco in the area, you should totally shop there! We used to shop at Wal-Mart because it was closer, but when I switched we saved around $50 a shopping trip! I'll find "sales" at other stores and grab a few of that item... get to Winco and their regular price was cheaper than that other "sale" price.


Yeah, if I didn't look at savvyshopper I would have thought the same thing, but I feel the same way about smith's. I have never once left there and not had a mistake on my receipt, and unfortunately only once was in my favor! Literally there stuff ALWAYS rings up incorrectly! That and last week I bought bananas and never made it home with them and they're totally out of my way to go back so I was pretty irritated.


I second the Winco comment. I LOVE them, their everyday prices often beat anywhere else. Plus their bulk section is haaaaaamazing. I shop sales other places sometimes but I go there for my general grocery shopping. Its 100% worth the drive.

The Egan Family

I shop at Smiths... I buy powerade's all the time.. but I ALWAYS look at my reciept.. because I am a picky person! Good for you Rye, I love Macey's also :)