You are six months old! I can't believe it. Half a year. REALLY? I don't know where the time has gone. Seems like just yesterday I was on my way to the Hospital, so anxious to meet you. And now you seem SOOO big. You are currently:
- talking as much as a 13 year old teenage girl (only in a language we don't understand)
- sitting all by yourself
- on the verge of teething
- smiling ALL the time
- a total MOMMA'S GIRL
- eating more than just milk (although its been an adjustment for you)
- loving watching tv. You already like Playhouse Disney.
- fascinated by your new play saucer
- giggling on the time. It's the most adorable sound
- wanting so badly to crawl. Any day!
- such a cuddle bug. Mommy loves that!!
-a fan of mommy/daddy singing you 'You are my Sunshine' at bedtime
I just can't believe the rate your growing, your changing everyday so fast. It's really hard on mommy, working full time. I feel like I miss out on so much. I wish so badly I could spend every waking minute with you. Some day. You put the biggest smile on my face and you bring so much joy to your mommy and daddy's life. We don't know what we would do without you. Please continue to be the sweet baby you are. Always remember I love you so much!!
With all my love,
Was searching for a GF's blog and came across your comment wanting to have your dd's ears pierced, but dh wasn't sure.
Hope you don't mind me leaving a comment on your blog, but I had the same problem with dh as well. I kept seeing babies an little girls with cute earrings and wanted to have our dd's ears pierced. Dh said he wanted to wait, but if I could find 10 reasons to do her as an infant, he would reconsider. I did a little research and found 13!
Asked our ped who encouraged me to go ahead when mommy could care for them. She said eventually all little girls want pierced ears, but fail to care for them properly between the ages of 2-5yrs old. Our ped said before 8 mos was best time before they became aware of their ears and developed a pincer grip to play with them.
From reading your comment, I sense you're ready and your mommy intuition is telling this is a good time to do when you can care for her ears. If you need some reasons to convince dh, write me back and I'll send them to you. Promise she'll look even more like Daddy's Little Girl and he'll want to buy her first diamond earrings for her. Promise she look adorable and thank you later.
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