

So it's been a while. Scratch that. A LONG while. Things have been super busy lately, and unfortunately it's work that's got me tied up. I've spent the past 3 Thursdays of call pulling 15+ hour shifts. Don't ask how I do it. I don't know. Needless to say, I'm hoping things slow down here.

Last week I got asked by the O.R. director if I would be interested in going to NEW YORK for a few days with one of my co-workers/friend for a little orthopedic convention.

Our conversation went a little like this:

Me: "Um YEAH! Of course! Free flight! Free hotel! Free food! a few nights in New York with a close friend. Are ya kidding me? Sign me up

My boss: "Well I just thought I would check, I mean with your baby and all.... I thought you might have a hard time being away from her."

Oooooooooooooooooh yeah. That's right. I have a child. My heart kind of stopped for a minute. I talked with my husband who encouraged me to still go and reassured me T baby would be just fine. But I don't know how I could be away from her for even just a few days. Heartbreak! I just about fall apart when i work a 15 hour shift and barely see her. This trip would be a little more than 15 hours....

Anyway, I'm waiting to hear back from my boss to find out the exact dates before I make a decision. I have mixed emotions though. I've never been to NY but have always wanted to and I keep thinking this would be such a neat experience, but I'm having a hard time just thinking about leaving my baby.

I heard this quote once "Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."

For those of you moms, you know exactly how this feels! Any advice out there?



do it :) the older your baby gets, the busier you're going to be. take a break now :) i'm stoked for florida with my friends!


The first time is the hardest, especially with the first child. I don't really know that there's any "advice" that anyone can really give you! I can tell you that if you choose to go, it definitely wouldn't make you a bad parent.

Now what would I do? I would go! Someone you trust is going to be taking care of your baby, I assume it isn't going to be for very long, it's free, and when is the next time you'll get the chance to go to NY? I assume this will help you obtain more skills for your job? Plus it will give your hubby and your daughter some great bonding time.


My advice is go. Moms need get a ways and she will be fine. It is really good for our kids and husbands and ourselves to have me time. NYC is the BEST and you will have a blast. Go do it and enjoy yourself while you are there. T will never remember when you left her for 3 days. You will be fine. Remember outside of being a wife and mom you are still YOU!!!!


You should definitely do it! I know it's way hard, but it's not too often that you get a free trip to NY!!! And it's true she won't even remember..I think sometimes we guilt ourselves thinking our baby is going to be so sad, but they'll forget all about it as soon as they see you:) Go have fun!


Oh man, I totally get your dilemma. I have yet to be away from Katelyn for a night and I dread the time I have to be. You know she'll be in good hands and an experience like that will be so great for you. If she could talk, she'd tell you to go. Just make sure to arrange for at least a whole day with her when you get back so you can snuggle her all day and soak up the goodness you missed out on those few days. I'm excited for you!!

The Atkinson Family Blog

Okay, so we just got back from our 9 day cruise! It was hard being gone from my boys that long but it was a much needed break away from the normal life. I say go. It's only a weekend and she will be in great hands! When will you get a chance again to go to new York for free?


Go! She is still so young she won't remember. She'll be in good hands and you'll have a great trip. Moms need a little break and change in life. It will be a few days and then you'll be right back home. These opportunities don't come often.