Ha, I think I was like 3 weeks when my mom did mine!
I plan on doing it pretty early. I don't think there is a "too- young" age... what difference does it make? It hurts for ten seconds and they're over it.
you either have to do it young enough so that they don't realize it, and realize what their ears are, otherwise, she'd be touching them, pulling them all the time. or you have to do it when she's older so she understands it. so like NOW is a great time lol
Eh, I don't think there is too young. My mom had hers done at three days old. We took Addi at about 3 months. Just whenever you're comfortable, I think. Just get real gold.silver not the cheap stuff in case she has an allergy. When I have a girl I will probably do it around 3 months.
I think your little one is old enough, you feel ready. She won't remember getting it done, so it is really a matter or whether or not you are ready to comfort her and love on her while they heal. In my opinion doing it while they are really young is best. The won't remember, their skin will heel faster, and when she starts to learn how to dress herself she will be able to play with all the fun jewelry and not have to worry about soar ears! :)
haha I had this conversation with my father-in-law who thought it was just awful to do it when they're so young because they didn't have a choice..I told him I didn't give Parker a choice when I had him circumcised, he shut up after that:)I think that is totally up to you!!
I think its better to do them when they are young. I got Kambrys done at 5 months and it was perfect. Yes she did cry and it was sad but they forget all about it after. She forgot they were even there. She never played with them which ment they never got infected. I see when other kids get them and they play with with and they end up getting infected so they take them out. Im all for it getting them done with they are little and can play with them so they are cleaner!!
I got our first daughter's ears done at 6 months. And then the second around 5 months. We are expecting our third in May...and I will likely get hers done even earlier. But I think you at least should wait until after two month shots. That's just what I heard somewhere. Not sure if it matters or not. Either way, T is not too young! The sooner the better!
We got Bella's done when she was three or four months old, mine were done about three months old as well.
I'll send you a message on Facebook with our reason so you don't have a really long comment!
Ha, I think I was like 3 weeks when my mom did mine!
I plan on doing it pretty early. I don't think there is a "too- young" age... what difference does it make? It hurts for ten seconds and they're over it.
you either have to do it young enough so that they don't realize it, and realize what their ears are, otherwise, she'd be touching them, pulling them all the time. or you have to do it when she's older so she understands it. so like NOW is a great time lol
Eh, I don't think there is too young. My mom had hers done at three days old. We took Addi at about 3 months. Just whenever you're comfortable, I think. Just get real gold.silver not the cheap stuff in case she has an allergy. When I have a girl I will probably do it around 3 months.
I think your little one is old enough, you feel ready. She won't remember getting it done, so it is really a matter or whether or not you are ready to comfort her and love on her while they heal. In my opinion doing it while they are really young is best. The won't remember, their skin will heel faster, and when she starts to learn how to dress herself she will be able to play with all the fun jewelry and not have to worry about soar ears! :)
That's a tough one. Sorry I don't have an answer for you.
haha I had this conversation with my father-in-law who thought it was just awful to do it when they're so young because they didn't have a choice..I told him I didn't give Parker a choice when I had him circumcised, he shut up after that:)I think that is totally up to you!!
I think its better to do them when they are young. I got Kambrys done at 5 months and it was perfect. Yes she did cry and it was sad but they forget all about it after. She forgot they were even there. She never played with them which ment they never got infected. I see when other kids get them and they play with with and they end up getting infected so they take them out. Im all for it getting them done with they are little and can play with them so they are cleaner!!
We pierced Tate's yesterday...figured he was probably gonna do it anyway as an act of rebellion. Just thought we'd beat him to the punch!
I got our first daughter's ears done at 6 months. And then the second around 5 months. We are expecting our third in May...and I will likely get hers done even earlier. But I think you at least should wait until after two month shots. That's just what I heard somewhere. Not sure if it matters or not. Either way, T is not too young! The sooner the better!
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