Housewife vs. Full time working mom

Well it's officially been a month since I returned back to work after a very relaxing 3 months off. It's been a very hard adjustment, and needless to say, I miss it immensely! I feel like i'm missing out on so much! Although, I won't lie, the paycheck sure is nice! A few things I decided I REALLY miss:
-Dr. Oz, Studio 5 and The Ellen Show
-Mid day naps
-Morning cuddle time with T
-Having dinner ready for my hubby when he walks in the door
-Not having the need to apply make up (oh its a beautiful thing)
It's so tiring to work full time, come home, start dinner from scratch, clean the house, do the laundry, try to spend time with my baby girl (and hubby for that matter), let alone try and accomplish any crafts/projects I want to work on. (hence the lack of blogging). Ugh.
All you stay at home moms, I officially envy you! Be grateful! Oh I can't wait til the hubby graduates! Hallelujah!
p.s. My baby is way cuter than the child in the picture above, ok and that doesn't look too much like me either.
Hopefully you'll fall into a better rhythm of things the more you do it. I think the biggest part is probably planning ahead, such as dinners and even cleaning. I hope it gets easier..and doesn't last long! It's a blessing to stay at home, and it surprises me those who actually choose to work because they're bored, but I guess to each their own:) Good luck with balancing it all hopefully it's over before you know it:)
Here's my attempt to make you feel better... LOL! As my kids have gotten older, I've found that because I'm home with them all day, I'm the one that they see all the time. They get bored with me and tend to listen to me less than dad! Plus you can definitely tell they overall like dad more! It can definitely get frustrating being home all day, picking up after everyone, and never feeling like you get a break to be by yourself for yourself. Not that my kids aren't worth it, but enjoy your "you" time while you have it as well :)
Ah, I don't know how you do it Ryanne! I break down when I leave Evie with a family member, just so I can get a night out with my hubby! I'm going back to work next month, but luckily, I get to bring Evelyn with me! :) Oh, and I agree with no makeup, its heavenly!
although i can not say i know what you are going through, i can say that i am sorry you are going through it. one day you'll be there and it will be the best, i'm sure!
Amen Sister, i feel the same way!
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