Well, the dreaded day is almost here. I remember thinking before I had baby T that I was going to have 3 whole months off and that seemed like soooooo long. I blinked. And now its gone. This is by far the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I've spent every waking minute for the past 3 months with this precious infant, and now i'll be missing out on 8 hours a day. I've cried at least twice a day this past week knowing it's my last week to be with her. And when my work called this morning to verify they'd see me monday... I completely LOST it.
BUT.... when there is a mortgage and lots of bills to pay, and daddy is still is school, mommy doesn't have much of a choice. Luckily my mother in law will be tending Tayvree so I don't have to worry about who she's with, and lets face it, it'll save us lots of money.
I'll miss so many things. It's been so nice these past 12 weeks to be able to sleep in til whenever I want and lay in bed with my little cuddle bug all morning. To lounge around, never having to get ready. To be able to take naps with baby T. To only have to worry about what were having for dinner when daddy gets home. *sigh* I'm in for a BIG change.
I'm sure many more tears will be shed this weekend, and I'm sure I will bawl my whole way to work on Monday. The past 3 months have been the ABSOLUTE BEST!! And I'll miss my beautiful baby every minute of the 8 hours I'm away from her. Pure heartbreak.
Oh you make me so sad for you! I remember going back to give my two weeks and it was soo hard. I came home for lunches and cried every time I had to go back. I have to admit it did get easier, and it was nice to see old friends. Just know that this is only a short time in the big scheme of things and Brayden will be done before you know it.
ugh this makes me sad. i'm only 22 weeks pregnant and just hearing this breaks my heart. we still have yet to figure out what i'll be doing with this situation...it'll be tough i'm sure. hang in there though! i'm sure it'll be nice to be at work in some aspects too. :)
Awe, I'm so sad for you :( At least you get to leave her with someone you trust (and save money on day care!!!)
Know that you aren't alone! We can cry together!!! It does get a LITTLE bit easier....
I remember being there and it is hard, I'm sorry you have to go through that. I only had 5 weeks off and felt like she was too young to be away from her mommy for that long. However, I was at peace when I dropped her off with the sitter and felt so sure that she was in good hands. I will admit that it's been nice to have my time away from her. I think about her all day at work and am so excited to pick her up at night. I hope you are able to feel that peace, too. It really helps when you trust the person who watches her. Hopefully your day went well today and she can snuggle you all night!
i'm really sorry! that's so hard to do. but i totally understand the thoughts you have! good luck in the next few days to come.
You can do it! It's okay to cry and it helps to talk to other working mom's. I'm glad you've got your MIL to watch her. It'll work out.
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