
Chicken Braid

Oh how yummy!! I just kind of made this up as I went along, you really could put just about ANYTHING you like in the middle of this braid. Last year I made some with a cream cheese and jam mix. D-lish. This turned out great too!

Chicken Braid
(use your favorite homemade bread recipe)
-2 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded
- 1 small can mushrooms
- 1/2 onion, diced
-1 can cream of chicken soup
-cheese (however much you want)

Combine all ingredients in small mixing bowl.

When dough is ready roll out and slice 1" strips down each side

Fill the middle of dough with your chicken mixture and top with extra cheese.

Start at one end, fold the end up then braid all the strips.
Let raise for about 30 min. (Or whatever dough recipe your using instructs)

Bake according to dough directions. Ta da! Yummy dinner is complete!
(Yeah, I was a little too anxious and cut into it before taking a picture)