
4 reasons

4 reasons why I could stay in bed all day with this cute little lady...

Her sweet baby blue eyes that stare at me telling me she loves me and needs me

Those perfect little lips and the cute noises they make

Those skinny yet oh so strong little fingers that wrap around mine

Her adorable little toes that I could just tickle and kiss for hours



So precious Ryanne, it's so good that you enjoy that time with her! Being a mom is so amazing, I'm grateful to have the opportunity. It's sad to realize when they get bigger, but fun to experience the new things as they do! She is so cute, by the way!


Thanks Staci- hey you need to add me to your blog. I can't view it.


I know the feeling! I want Tate to stop growing too, why can't they still little for forever. Lets get together soon!