
Back to "normal"

Things have settled down, and I think i've got a hang of this mom thing.
I've put aside many things to devote 100% of my attention to my beautiful baby T these first few weeks, but now I'm finally getting around to them. Like my blog for one.

It's funny how I've followed blogs of friends of mine, and noticed how once they had their baby, their blogs go neglected for a few weeks, and I've done the exact same thing, HOWEVER... I have quite a few things i've been meaning to share so i'll be doing so over the next few days!

To play catch up, T is growing like crazy, and changing everyday. I wish I could just capture time, and slow it down. I'm already DREADING going back to work in 8 weeks. I don't know how i'll leave her. I love her to pieces. She is lots of fun! She will be 5 weeks this week, getting big fast! She's always finding ways to put smiles on our faces.

Last night I walked into our bedroom to find Daddy reading to her. Her first book! Just about brought a tear to my eye. It's amazing how much a baby changes your life. I wouldn't trade it for anything.




I love this! so sweet.


Ry you're so cute! I can't believe not too long ago we were kids jumping over our fence to get to eachothers houses. Ha ha.