
Baby Couture

My mind is RACING with all these fun ideas I want to give a try. My sister found an easy online tutorial on turning knee high socks into baby leg warmers. So Stylish! How cute are they? Insert comment here ________ . I know!! I think so too!

Although my little baby girl still has a bit of 'chunking up' to do before these would even stay on her little chicken legs, I think I'll get a head start on them anyway. I've heard a few recommendations of where to find the socks for a reasonable price, however if you happen to see any or know of anywhere that has cute ones, lemme know. THANKS!!



Those are cute :) The only thing I would be concerned with is keeping them up. Bella is a year old and we have a hard enough time keeping 6-12 month tights on her... adult socks would be harder :(


Ashley- you actually end up turning them inside out and sewing them up making them narrower so they fit infants and children!!


I would love to learn how to make these!! Can you tell you where you saw it