

Spring. It's just around the corner, I can taste it. And saying goodbye to winter leaves me with no harsh feelings. I know that Spring is coming, because somehow my whole schedule of routine has changed. I no longer get to spend evenings with my husband. (This is where you say 'awww, poor girl') I've lost my husband to his crazy Spring schedule!

Here's my Monday-Friday Schedule

5:15am- alarm goes off, gets ready for work, kisses husband goodbye as he sleeps
6:30am-3pm ish- work, unless Thursday off course and I work later
4:00pm- til I hit the sack- do whatever I want

My husbands schedule:

6:30- alarm goes off
7:00-10:00am- Internship at AFJH
10:30-2- work
2:30-6pm- coaches the PG Varsity baseball team
6:30-10pm- Goes back to work to get his full time
10:15pm- Comes home to sleeping wife

Thats right, hello stranger husband, who I only get to see on the weekends, but yet sleep next to every night. I miss you, already, and its only day 2 of this 'Spring Schedule'. I'm in for a long baseball season.

I am so very proud of my husband though. He is such a hard worker. He graduates in a year with his Masters, and all his hard work will pay off. He got offered a paid internship though, which is WONDERFUL and an answer to so MANY prayers! Can't wait to spend more time with this hot babe!!!!

Guess all this extra alone time will give me a good excuse to whip out some awesome new projects! YAY!



I totally understand! Ryan and I have opposite schedules leaving me alone every night til 10:30. SO sad. I'm sorry you have to join the club :(

M. Jorgensen

oh that it sad, but how exciting for him to be living-or getting to a place where he/you guys can live your dream...that's awesome! and congrats about the paid internship...jealous!
oh but can i say that i'm not jealous that you have to wake up every day at 5:15-yuck! good luck this season!


lol i know the feeling of having a buuusy schedule! but it will pay off! eventually haha


been there done that, in fact I'm pretty sure I'm still doing that. Minus that I just stay at home:)