
Ongoing project

What is this that sits so nicely on my kitchen hutch you ask? This.... is the reason I started my cook group. To fill these babies UP!!! This is my scrapbook cookbook! I know, I know, you think 'Does this chick have a life?' Well yes I do, which is why it takes so long to fill it up. A slow work in progress!

I have divided up each book into different cooking categories....
And inside each of them are wonderful recipies that I have TRIED and that I KNOW are GOOD!
I got this awesome idea from a lady in my scrapbook group. It is such a great idea because they are in page protectors, so when you spill on them while your cooking/baking, you just wipe it right off, no dirty papers with watermarks and stains. Perfect!



Nice! I don't know that I could fill up that many books... I have one that has dividers in it for each type (appetizers, main dishes, desserts, etc.) I like to include pictures because I'll be more likely to make something if I see it rather than read it, lol.

If you want some more recipes to try, take a look at my cooking blog. There's a link in my regular blog. I have what you can see, plus at least 4 more I'm just waiting to get pictures of before I post them.