
Magnet Board Re-vamp

So I got this super cute idea from my friend MEGAN! I had originally just painted my magnet board black. Which was nice, it matched, and looked good. However, when I saw this idea my friend had, I thought 'I've got to do that!' So I have. I added a little life to it. I chose 5 different cardstock prints that matched my kitchen, and cut random length strips and "mod podged" them on. Added a few matching magnets and VOILA!!! Beautiful! Thanks Megan for the great idea!!


Kelsey M.

i made one of those once! so much more fun than a plain painted one.

Shan @ Design Gal

I LOVE IT! Turned out great!


I'm jealous of your creativity... I would never think to do half the stuff you do. I'm more of a pattern and step by step instructions kind of girl, lol.

M. Jorgensen

oh my gosh!!! this post makes me so excited!!! some one actually reads my blog not to mention took something from it and made it!!! turned out so good!!! thanks for the shout out!

ps: if the Megan in your post is not me...just pretend so that I don't feel reallly dumb!! haha

The Egan Family

Super cute! I make those all the time for friends and friends babies! Super time consuming but so fun :) Yours turned out adorable, love it!!