Coupon-ing (koo-pawn-ing) (noun)
- Thrifty
- Cheap
- Conservative
- Frugal
- Provident
- Penny-Pinching
- Scrimping
- Tight
- Unwasteful
Yep. That's right. I am beginning ANOTHER project, and not just any project. A very time consuming, dedication requiring, but well worth it project! My sister is a coupon FREAK! (No offense Suzy, its a good thing, and wait.... the best part is coming, wait for it...... and I want to be just like her!) She is always calling me and telling me of these GREAT deals she gets from coupon clipping, using rebates, etc. She's been dying to teach me, and I've kind of put it off. I told myself I would do it once we moved and got settled in our house.
That was 7 months ago.
So here I am. Bound and determined to start saving money. I'm the type of person, who pretty much shops at one place, and is willing to pay the price for an item just because I'm at that store, and hey, it's convenient. *tisk tisk* Shame on me. After sitting down and realizing how much money I actually waste on stuff, and how much I could be saving... I'm making some changes.
I attended a coupon class hosted by my sister last week and got all set up to get this ball rolling. I now receive THREE (yes, three) Sunday newspapers each week, which contain lots and lots of coupons! I've organized my coupons in a very composed manner, making them easy to work with....
Divided into Categories
and seperated with baseball card holders
So if you click on the link above for Savvy Shopper, it has a 'shopping wizzard' that tells you which coupons to use from the weekly paper and what deals to match them with at your local stores. How sweet is that?
That was a question.
You can answer with things like "awesome", "great", or "sweeeet", things of that nature...
So then all you have to do is:
See which things you want to get, and then....SHOP AWAY!! Okay, I may have made it sound easy, it is time consuming, don't get me wrong. But it will be well worth it when you see how much you can save! I've spent way too much time online the past few days finding all these great coupon websites where you can print free coupons, get good money saving advice, and such.
If you can't tell, I'm a little excited about this. Goodbye old willing to spend money on whatever, Ryanne. Hello new frugal Ryanne. And HELLO more money in my wallet!!
I'm the same way you were... I shop at whatever store I'm at. I even shop at stores that cost twice as much because I don't want to be in stores with loud obnoxious children and rude shoppers, lol. That and I always forget the coupons anyway...
One thing I do know though... don't run around to multiple stores to get the best price, because the money you waste on gas (and time) isn't worth it. Instead, just take all the coupons/ads to one store and most will accept competitors prices. My aunt works in a grocery store and you'd be surprised and the stuff they'll take!
yay I'm excited I actually did the savvy shopper a couple years ago, but I ended up buying stuff I never bought before and i was running to multiple maybe you can remotivate me and teach me to do better:)
My sister in law is a crazy couponer too and I am also trying to learn the ropes. You would never think that cutting coupons and watching deals would be so time consuming but it really is. I love all of your creative ideas. I am going to make the fridge coupon holder to help with all of my coupons too. Does your sister hold classes often? I would love to learn more and get better at this :)
TEACH ME!!!! hahaha i try couponing, but let's be doesn't work! haha i think i need to learn the right way!
You are amazing girl.
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