
C-C-C-Crazy Day

Talk about busiest Saturday EVER!!! I got up at six, got showered and ready for the longest day ever!! Braden went hunting so I was able to get some more Christmas shopping done for him. Which was a relief! My mother, and sisters have been planning our holiday bake-a-thon for the past couple weeks. It was fun. Lots of yummy baked goods. THEN..... later on, Braden and I took some treats around to some people in our neighborhood, and delivered some gifts. And then we had to hurry back and get ready for our ugly sweater party!! Which was so much fun! Oh by the way, so we played this awesome game. Its charades, but backwards, so its called Sedarach. So instead of having one person acting it out and everyone guessing. You have one person guess and everyone act it out. It's hilarious. We divided teams boys vs. girls. We got a little carried away at times. The pictures below prove it. A friend of a friends actually made the game up. It sells for about $20 so if your interested let me know. I told Braden we have GOT to get the game, it was an absolute RIOT!!

De-lish peanut butter kiss

My favorite Andes Mint Cookies

Acting out "flip flops"

Acting out "David and Goliath"

^ I'm so mad this picture didn't turn out. It was hilarous! ^



Shan @ Design Gal

this was such a fun party! i'm so glad you guys came! we need to play games again soon!