Curse the man who invented this.....

Security tags. THEY SUCK! Unless you own a clothing department store, then I guess they come in handy. So my story... Last weekend I hit up KOHLS, they were having this sweet sale, plus being a lucky kohls charge card member, I got extra killer savings. Anyway lets just say I found way too much stuff and had a total hay-day! So I pay and am walking out the door and as I walk through the security detector THE ALARM GOES OFF! The dude at the counter says "Oh, it's okay, just go. It's probably that security sticker on your purfume you bought." Trusting him, I say; 'Okay thanks, have a good one.'
Monday, I'm at work. Luckily nobody noticed in the morning because it was 0600 and dark when I walked into work, and then I change into scrubs once I get there. But after a very long day I had to go to Wal Mart on the way home for a few things and its on the way. As I take a quick peek at myself in the mirror on the way out of the locker room at work, I notice this out of place plastic device on my oh-so-stylish sweater coat that I purchased from Kohls. WAIT. Time out. WHAT? So I have to go home first, change then go back to Wal-Mart. Talk about an inconvenience. Well, ya gotta do what you gotta do. I had to get to Wal-Mart.
So I go home, change into another sweater I bought at kohls, and am off to Wal-Mart. This time I made it. And of course I had to park a mile away. Passed lots of people walking and driving in the parking lot. 'What are you looking at?' So I make it to the entrance, grab a cart, and as I slip my purse off my shoulder, my arm hits something on my side. OH MY GOSH! You have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! AGAIN? TWICE? Yeah. I'm not joking. This isn't funny anymore. In fact, it never was. What do I do? I can't go any further, the security detectors will go off if I even walk in, plus I'll get people looking at me like I'm some Klepto. So I made it this far, I'm not going home to change. So I run back out to the car, throw my sweater in there, and I have no choice but to go back in there wearing all I had left, my long sleeved white comfy tee. The only hesitation is it was a little see through and that totally matched my racer back bra. Perfect. Lets just say I booked it like crazy, grabbed what I needed, and was out of there before I knew it. All to come home to a hysterical husband making fun of me.
I made it back to Kohls, told them my story to try to get some sympathy and make them feel bad, and all the guy had to say was "sorry". (yeah it was the same guy that helped me the day before) Sorry doesn't cut it. Please. Save yourself the embarrassment, and ALWAYS check your clothes before leaving the store!!! I'm not irritated or anything.
That happened to me too at......YES KOHLS!!!!! SO LAME and such an inconvienience!!!!!
I hate those things. Satan made them. Maybe I will cut and copy your post into my blog :) love you rye.
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