
Recipe Exchange Group

So....I have been toying with the idea of starting a group. Thats right....a group. No boys allowed! ha ha. One thing I have been procrastinating with, that I have wanted to work on for a LOOONG time, is putting together my own cook book. I love trying new recipes and I love scrapbooking, so i'm making a 'scrapbook cookbook'. I know, you must think I have way too much time on my hands. You're wrong. I don't. I wish I did. But that's besides the point. Anyway, I'm planning on getting a group together the first Tuesday of every month (in the evening) and choosing a category of food to focus on. Everyone brings samples for others, along with multiple copies of the recipe! What a great way to build up that cook book! Sound like fun? I think it will be.

I will host it at my house once a month, all I need is people to come!! I already have a few friends from work, and family members that say they're in. I would love for YOU (yes, you) to join. Your husband already said you could!!! And for those of you that aren't married....you're future husband will LOVE you for this. Trust me. Okay well if you are interested, please send me your email to ryannenicole@gmail.com. I will get you on a mailing list and let you know when the first night will be!! Hope to hear from you ALL!!



Oh Ry Ry, if only I had one domestic bone in my body :)


Ry!!! haven't talked to you since your wedding! looks like you are doin great! tell Brade I say hi :)