
Weekend of Boringness

For anyone who has ever had tonsilitis, I feel your pain. I have spent the past 48 hours couped up in my own house, my only venturing to the outside world was a quick little trip to the E.R. today. Thursday night I came down with a slight pain in my 'throat' however it was only on the left side. I didnt think too much about it until the following day. Friday at work was rough. I couldnt focus. I had one of the anesthesiologists I work with take a look and due to the obvious nasty puss on my tonsils (sick I know) He wrote me a prescription for some ammoxicilin (supposedly a high dose so it would really help) Well I ended up not sleeping at all that night and Saturday it got 10 times worse. It spread to the right side as well, my throat felt so swollen and tight, it KILLED to swallow. I dont know if it was from the antibiotic I was prescribed or not, but I started getting really light headed, my whole body achy, infact I almost passed out in the shower. Weirdest feeling ever. It was to the point where every time I swallowed, I just cried, becasue it hurt so bad. Braden kept insisting taking me to the E.R. but I resisted, feeling like a retard for having to go in for just tonsilitis. Anyway, it only got worse Sunday, making it harder to breath. So I gave in and let him take me to the E.R. They did a couple culture swabs and tested it for mono and strep. They came back negative but the Dr. believed that the antibiotic I was on was blocking an accurate read and due to the signs of strep, that may be it. So I ended up getting a shot in the butt of penicillin and a higher dose prescription antibiotic. So hopefully things will start to clear up because I cant afford too much time off work. I will admit though I have never slept, and layed around doing nothing as much as I have this weekend. Lame. I know. But thanks to my adorable husband, who has treated me so good this weekend, cooking for me, taking care of me, and even missing out on his best friends bachelors party to take care of me. Love you honey!



Oh my goodness! Well I'm glad you're okay. And I'm glad Braden is so good to you. Love you and miss you! :)



Such a bummer! Hope you feel better soon!

Amy Springen

So sorry you had a crapy weekend. Hope you are doing better!

Kelsey M.

That's crazy that you grew up with Staci! What a small world. We love her to pieces. I hope you get feeling better, that sounds awful!